
The Freemasons’ COVID-19 Community Fund has awarded its first round of grants to charities that are supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged communities through the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

This first round focuses on organisations supporting people who are homeless or vulnerably housed, and has seen 30 charities awarded grants totalling £843,384.

Of these 30 charities, 15 are local Emmaus branches that offer homes for as long as a person needs as well as meaningful work within their social enterprises.

Other projects funded include street outreach services, advice centres, sponsored rooms, winter meals and resettlement programmes.

It is estimated that, through these grants, over 1,000 people will be provided accommodation; 300 people will receive daily meals with an additional 250 receiving weekly meals; over 800 people will be provided support services such as counselling; and over 500 people provided with employment and training opportunities.

The Freemasons’ COVID-19 Community Fund raised over £1 million of donations from Freemasons, their family and friends, with donations matched by the MCF to help make a greater impact.

Thanks to Freemasonry’s generosity, we are helping to ensure homeless and vulnerably-housed people stay safe, healthy and supported throughout the pandemic and beyond.


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