

An insight into how the MCF works from our staff, volunteers, and charity partners.

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A cycle of support

Ever wondered how you can help your own Province whilst also supporting the MCF and ultimately the Freemasonry community and wider society?

Communications & marketing, Fundraising, Relief Chest Scheme


Carers at the MCF & RMBI

Carers Week is an annual campaign marked in June, to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities.

MCF staff


How do our staff volunteer?

As a charity, we understand and value the role that volunteers play in our operations. They allow us to help as many people as possible and achieve our goals of building better lives.

Mental health awareness week

Mental Health Awareness Week

We’ve all heard the statistic that one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. But, only a third of people who experience these symptoms will seek out treatment.


Stay in the know with the MCF WhatsApp Channel

In April, we launched our brand new community WhatsApp channel, where followers can get a behind-the-curtain look and be the first to receive all MCF updates.


What will your legacy be?

Research shows that there is a widespread reluctance to write a Will among the UK population, with 56 per cent of adults surveyed not having written one (Bradley Haines Law). We are determined to tackle this, which is why we’re teamed up with the Goodwill Partnership to offer anyone the opportunity to write a Will for free.


Empowering Change: Our Renewed Commitment to Charitable Giving

In a bold move to reshape and enhance our impact on society last month, we marked a significant milestone in our journey of philanthropy. We embarked on a comprehensive update of our Grants to Charities webpages, reflecting our renewed focus and a streamlined approach for charities engaging with us. This transformation is more than just a facelift; it signifies our unwavering commitment to making a tangible, positive difference in society through our grants.

Support for charities


The MCF Partnership Framework Toolkit

The MCF Partnership Framework Toolkit serves as a guide for identifying, establishing, nurturing, and transitioning partnerships on behalf of the MCF.


Takeaways from NPC Ignites 2023 – A Dive into Impact and Evaluation Team’s Perspectives

Read the Impact team’s blog to learn about how, through attending the NPC Ignites conference, they gained valuable insights that will influence not only how we carry out our work but also the underpinning thinking to our impact and evaluation.

Monitoring and evaluation


Shooting for the Moon: Four million small steps for man…

It’s been just over nine months since Chris set off on his walk around the British coastline. Read all about his achievements so far…


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