
Prostate Cancer

Raising awareness in the Freemasonry community – testing and treatment.

Each year approximately 47,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer; it is the most common form of cancer amongst men.

We are working with our supporters and partners nationally and in masonic Provinces to increase awareness and understanding about prostate cancer, empowering men and their families to make informed decisions about effective testing and treatment.

For further information about prostate cancer, please visit the website of Prostate Cancer UK and Cancer Research UK.

Freemasons are supporting prostate cancer research

As well as raising awareness of prostate cancer, we have also funded prostate cancer research. Our support began in 2004, when we awarded £1,000,000 to fund a research project led by Professor Colin Cooper, Chairman of Cancer Genetics at the University of East Anglia.

His research has led to the development of a new test which makes the vital distinction between aggressive and less harmful forms of prostate cancer, helping to avoid sometimes damaging and unnecessary treatment.

You can read more about this research on the University of East Anglia website.



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