
Young disable man climbing Shepley Bridge Marina using an adapted chair

The Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund established by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) has received a major donation of £35,000 from Isaac Newton University Lodge

The Cambridge-based Lodge is primarily for past and present members of Cambridge University and the donation reflects the 35 years that HRH The Duke of Edinburgh served as the University’s Chancellor.

It was recently announced that donations made to the Memorial Fund would be used to fund a £300,000 strategic partnership with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, enabling over 30,000 young people with disabilities and special educational needs to take part in the scheme.

It seems fitting that the Lodge, established in 1861 for the benefit of Cambridge undergraduates, should make this first and powerful gesture. As a university that has made excellence and opportunity at the heart of its tradition, this support to a world-renowned Awards scheme that has done so much to give young people invaluable experiences and self-confidence echoes the values we cherish. This donation is a tangible way for the members of Isaac Newton University Lodge to express our respect and gratitude for all that HRH The Duke of Edinburgh accomplished in his long life. We hope this will encourage other Lodges to support such a good cause.

Simon Duckworth OBE DL, on behalf of the Trustees of the Lodge

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh founded the Awards in 1956 and throughout his life, he was associated with some 992 charities, either as president, patron or honorary member.

Supporting the Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund

Lodges wishing to support the Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund can do so by:

  • Sending a cheque made payable to the Masonic Charitable Foundation to Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund, MCF, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
  • Transferring funds from a Lodge Relief Chest to the Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund Relief Chest No. DOE2021
  • Lodges and individuals can also support the Fund using JustGiving.

For further information about making a donation on behalf of your Lodge, please contact the MCF Relief Chest Scheme on 020 7395 9295 or email

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