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Fundraising complaints

We are committed to following fundraising best practice and we take all complaints and concerns seriously. We welcome feedback and promise to deal with all complaints in a timely manner.

Stage 1 – Fundraising Team

Get in touch with our Head of Fundraising, Paul Crockett, through our online form:

Complaints Form

  • (Home)
  • (Mobile)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

We will always try to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and you can expect us to respond within the following times:

If you make a complaint by email, post or via our online feedback form, we will resolve it or acknowledge it within 5 working days. If the complaint is more complex, you will receive a further full response within ten working days.

Stage 2 – Operations Director

If you are not happy with our response following Stage 1, please let us know and we will then escalate your complaint to a member of our Operations Director. They will lead an investigation and contact you with a resolution within 20 working days.

Stage 3 – Fundraising Regulator

If you are still not happy with our response to your Fundraising complaint you can contact the Fundraising Regulator.

Mailing List

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