Specialist help for traumatised children and young people in Bedfordshire

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Specialist help for traumatised children and young people in Bedfordshire

Up to 125 traumatised local children and young people (CYP) up to the age of 18 will continue to receive highly specialised support from the CHUMS Trauma Service (CTS) thanks to a generous grant from Bedfordshire Freemasons.

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CHUMS Charity or CHUMS

Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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Friends for Life Bedford

Reducing Isolation in Later Life

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Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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Autism Bedfordshire

Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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Families United Network

Creating the Best Start in Life for Disadvantaged Children and Young People

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