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Financial information guidelines

When completing your application for a small grant, please note the definitions of the following financial terms.


Voluntary: Income generated from grants from trusts and foundations, legacies and individuals etc.

Statutory: Income generated from any statutory source such as: Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Group, County Council, Sports Council, Arts Council, Department of Health, Department for Education, NHS, Crime Commissioner, Regional Government, European Funding, Central Government, Local Government etc.

Fundraising: Income generated from any events such as fundraising balls, parties, challenge events, sponsored events and community events, raffles, bucket collections etc.

Lottery: Income generated from the National Lottery Community Fund, People’s Postcode Lottery, Health Lottery etc.

Membership: Any charges for membership, whether it is for the organisation itself or membership to a club run by the organisation etc.

Product Sales and Fees: Include sales of charity goods and services such as those from charity shops or online shops, magazine sales etc. Fees may be for services such as therapy sessions, payroll services etc. (Please note, this does not include fees paid for by Local Authorities/Government – this should be put under Statutory).

Investment: Include income returned from any investments the organisation may have, including bank interest.

Other: Include any other form income not covered in the categories described above, e.g. rent. Please do ensure that you state what this income source is in the box below.


Charitable Purposes: Any funds spent on providing services directly to the beneficiaries, such as therapist’s salary costs, rent of premises to provide services, cost of equipment etc.

Fundraising/Publicity: Any funds spent on efforts to raise funds or publicise the charity and its services.

Management/Administration: Any funds spent on governance and back office required to keep the charity running this is any money spent on costs not involved with delivery of services such as legal costs, salaries for staff not involved in service delivery etc.


Restricted Reserves: Funds set aside to be used for a specific purpose set by the grantor of the funds, e.g. project funding or donation made towards a particular purpose.

Unrestricted Reserves: These are the reserves that are ‘free’, that can be used for any purpose.

Fixed Assets: These include the value of land, buildings and equipment. Please note that sometimes in the organisation’s accounts, this may be included in either the restricted or unrestricted reserves – we would ask that any value of the fixed assets is removed from either the restricted or unrestricted reserves figure and put separately in this box.

Designated Reserves: These are reserves that the organisation’s trustees may have put aside for a specific purpose in the coming year, including but not limited to a particular project or winding up costs, or essential future spending. If the value of designated reserves are included in the unrestricted reserves figure, please remove them from the unrestricted reserves figure and put separately in this box.

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whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London