
Bill has had trouble with his eyes for a long, long time. He was diagnosed with cataracts but there was a very long waiting list for treatment at the hospital – thankfully the MCF was able to help.

“The doctors said it would be at least six months until I could receive treatment and, to be honest, at the age of 85 I wasn’t sure I would last that long,” said Bill.

“I have been on my own since my wife, Nancy, died, which I find very difficult. My computer is my way of keeping in touch with the outside world but eventually my cataracts meant I was unable to use it. I also use my computer to run a website featuring stories about my 39 years in the British Army.”

I was Almoner of my lodge for many years so when I realised I needed support, I got in touch with the MCF directly. I had my operation almost straight away after I applied. I made a small contribution towards the cost from my savings and the MCF paid the rest.

“The operation has made a huge difference! I’m now able to use my computer again. If I could say anything to the Masonic Charitable Foundation I would say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”. The help they have given me is without equal.”

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