
When David, Sheila’s husband of 30 years suffered a huge stroke which left him paralysed, he found himself unable to move around in his wheelchair and take a shower in his own home.

“Our lives were turned upside down, and I found myself having to provide constant care. I was really struggling to cope, but then someone suggested that we turn to the MCF for help.

“A Visiting Volunteer came and helped us to fill in an application for support – it was brilliant! We were given a grant to adapt our home to suit David’s mobility needs.

David had decided that he wanted to go into a residential home whilst the work on the house was being done, as he wouldn’t have coped well with being in the thick of it at home.

“The MCF supported us with respite care, and David chose the home he wanted to stay in. It was a little hard at first being away from him, but it did mean that a huge weight was lifted and I didn’t have the constant pressure of worrying how he was going to react to what was going on around him.

“Our lives after David’s stroke are still hard, but we are adjusting. The MCF has been brilliant and I am so incredibly grateful for their help and for lifting some of the weight from my shoulders.”

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