
Ask the Almoner

Our resident Almoner answers your questions about the support provided by the MCF.

I am caring for my partner with dementia and it seems likely that they will soon need to move into a care home. Can the MCF help?

Yes – The RMBI Care Co, part of the MCF, can consider subsidising care fees in any of their 18 care homes around the country. The Advice & Support Team will be able to talk to you about other care options if you would prefer, although the MCF cannot provide funding for other homes. In the meantime, the MCF can consider supporting you with carer breaks, and pastoral support is available should you need it.

My father is a Freemason who lives alone, and in need of extra support. He doesn’t currently receive any care – can the MCF help?

No – The MCF cannot fund care for individuals in the home who aren’t already receiving unpaid care from a loved one. However, the AST can talk to you about local authority support, help them get assessed for a care plan, and check their eligibility for any other MCF support.

I am caring for my partner and, whilst we do have help from the local authority, I am struggling to cope mentally. Does the MCF fund counselling?

Yes – The MCF can offer you emotional support through our counselling service – this includes telephone counselling if you aren’t able to leave your partner for long periods.

I am a widow and am becoming isolated due to mobility problems. Can you help?

Yes – The MCF wants to ensure that you have appropriate pastoral care, and can arrange contact through your local Province – including details of widow’s groups where applicable to help you make new friends. The MCF can also consider support with mobility scooters and equipment in the home to help you stay independent.

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