
Over the past few years, a number of social and economic issues have repeatedly hit the headlines for the negative impact they are having on the financial security and wellbeing of families across the country.

We’ve delved behind the headlines and spoken to some of the UK’s leading charities to explore how these issues are affecting families, and how our support can help to alleviate financial distress for members of the masonic community.

Food bank use four times higher in Universal Credit areas

Source: Sky News 

The introduction of Universal Credit meant the merging of six benefits for working-age people into a single payment. Although many families will benefit from this policy, some will find themselves financially worse off.

We spoke with Turn2us, a national charity that provides practical support to people who are struggling financially.

What does Turn2us say?

 “It is thought that around seven million people are claiming Universal Credit. The policy has the potential to bring our welfare benefits system into the twenty-first century – but in its current form, it is not achieving this. Food bank use is up, child poverty is up, homelessness is up – all of these have strong links to the rollout of Universal Credit, and many of these related issues are affecting families.”

How can the MCF help?

We can provide Daily Living Expense grants to help individuals and families who are struggling to meet their everyday living costs regain financial stability.

Housing crisis threatens a million families with eviction by 2020

Source: The Guardian

 A nationwide rise in rental costs has created a situation where an ever-increasing number of families are unable to afford even the lowest available rental properties, with more and more families facing the threat of eviction and homelessness.

We spoke to Shelter who provide housing advice and legal support, and also campaign for housing reform. Last year, we awarded a £60,000 grant to Shelter to fund a Specialist Advice Worker in Birmingham.

What does Shelter say?

 “Every day, our frontline Shelter advisers see the consequences of the housing crisis. Thousands of people – many of whom are families – are ‘hidden homeless’, living their lives in inadequate B&Bs and hostels. Low wages, benefit freezes, high rents and a lack of affordable housing are having a serious impact on our communities. Anyone affected can get help from Shelter, by visiting

How can the MCF help?

We can help to clear rental or mortgage arrears and award emergency grants to prevent eviction, keeping families and individuals in their homes. We can also cover deposits and the first month’s rent for those who have found themselves evicted, helping them to establish a new home.

One in four claiming disability benefits faces serious difficulties including delays, unfair dismissals and confusion over eligibility

Source: The Independent

Disability and illness are significant factors contributing to poverty in the UK, and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independent Payment (PIP) are vital benefits which help affected households make ends meet. Yet the process to claim can be so complex that many individuals and families are missing out on the benefits to which they are entitled.

We spoke to Amaze, a charity that recently received a £30,000 grant from the MCF to fund their Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Project which helps disadvantaged families access the benefits they need.

What does Amaze say?

“We know many parents miss out on about two years of disability benefits because the process of claiming DLA is so hard and emotionally draining. When claims are rejected, the journey through mandatory reconsideration and resolution at appeal generally takes 18 months, leaving some of the most vulnerable families in financial hardship.”

How can the MCF help?

We have 13 regional Advice & Support Advisers, working across England and Wales to support members of the masonic community. The team is trained to discuss financial problems and can help people to access the benefits to which they are entitled.

Families left unable to afford basic funerals as average cost rises

Source: Daily Mail

The price of a funeral has more than doubled over the last decade, making it one of the fastest rising costs in the UK. The average price of a basic funeral is now

£4,000 – a cost beyond the means of many families. This financial burden hits families at a time when they are not only emotionally vulnerable, but also likely to be facing the consequences of a reduced income.

We spoke to Hospice UK, a charity with vast expertise in end-of-life care and valuable insight into the issues facing bereaved families, including how to budget for a funeral.

What does Hospice UK say?

 “We know from annual surveys that funeral costs are rising at a rate above inflation. It would be wrong to simply blame funeral directors for this; there are lots of factors at work and there’s no single cause. The things that people can do to keep costs low are to discuss with their loved ones what sort of funeral they’d like, talk to a range of local funeral directors about their options, and start thinking now about how they’re going to pay for it.”

How can the MCF help?

We offer grants towards the cost of funerals, helping people to focus on their loved ones and not worry about the financial implications of a bereavement. Funeral grants are available to freemasons who have lost their partner, and to the bereaved partners of freemasons, if they can’t afford the costs themselves.

Can we help you?

All of our financial support and advice can be accessed by getting in touch with our enquiries team. If you need support, contact us today:

 0800 035 60 90

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