
tony c medical support

When he was unable to receive the medical support he needed during a time of change, Tony C. approached the MCF. His story shows the value of seeking help when facing life’s challenges.

After years of suffering from a knee injury, Tony faced a frustrating wait for NHS surgery on both knees. With no indication of when he would receive treatment, he turned to us for support.

Tony had injured his left knee 25 years ago, and over time it deteriorated to the point where it failed completely. Unable to walk and in severe pain, he was diagnosed with stage three arthritis. Doctors confirmed he needed an operation on both of his knees, but he was placed on an NHS waiting list with no indication of when he would receive treatment.

I was in a desperate situation, disabled, and in constant pain. I had no mobility and no answers about when I’d have surgery. The NHS is clearly overrun and I needed to go somewhere to get help.

Fortunately, Tony already knew about the support the MCF provides to Freemasons and their families, so he reached out for help. After carefully assessing his situation, he was advised that the MCF could fund private treatment.

The MCF team responded very quickly and said they would cover the cost of my treatment and surgery. Thankfully, the private healthcare proved to be much quicker, and I was able to have an operation booked straight away.

During his pre-operation appointment, Tony faced another unexpected setback. The doctors found an issue with his heart that required urgent attention. This left him in need of surgery not just for his knees but also his heart.

Despite the setback, our funding allowed Tony to proceed with both knee operations, as well as private treatment to closely monitor his heart. When we spoke to him, he was recovering from the second operation and was in a much better place.

I feel much fitter now than I have felt in years, and can now walk two kilometres daily and cycle six kilometres, all thanks to the support from the MCF. I am incredibly grateful to have received this help from my fellow Brethren, and it has motivated me to give my best in recovery

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