
Dying without a Will is not uncommon – in fact, three in five UK adults do not have a plan in place for when they die. Like us, Freemason Adam thinks that needs to change.

To encourage more people to write their Wills, we are offering everyone the opportunity to do it quickly, easily, and for free. Adam is one of more than 800 people so far who have taken us up on our offer, and has found that our free Will-writing experience has given him peace of mind. Take a look at what he has to say about the process:

I never really thought much about what will happen when I die, but that all changed last year. Like a lot of people, the pandemic, kind of forced me to face the fact that I’m not going to live forever, and my wife being pregnant at the time reminded me that there will be people who need to be taken care of when I’m gone.

I’m a keen Freemason and had been training to run a marathon in aid of the MCF, so I was well aware of the charity and have made sure that my family know the MCF is there for them should anything happen to me. Last year, though, I knew I needed to take this one step further. I called the Goodwill Partnership – the organisation the MCF has teamed up with to offer free Will writing – and they told me the kind of things I needed to think about before writing a Will, and we arranged a convenient time for them to call me back to write it. Now the pandemic has calmed down a bit, they’re also doing home visits again.

On the phone, the lady was so kind and put me right at ease! I’m always a bit suspicious of things that are ‘free’ because I expect some kind of pressure or sales talk, but that just wasn’t the case! With her help, I detailed what I wanted to happen to my assets, whether I wanted to be cremated or buried, and who I wanted to care for my son, Jack, if my wife were to pass away too.

I also decided to leave a bit of money for the MCF. It’s totally not a requirement, they’re just happy to help people prepare for their loved ones’ futures! For me, though, I like to see it as part of my legacy. The MCF touches every corner of England, Wales, and beyond and I want Jack to see that and to know his dad was part of its brilliant impact.

A week or two later, the written-up Will was posted to me, and I signed it, had it witnessed, then sent it straight back. Done! I chose to pay £24 a year to have it stored at a solicitor’s office, and it also means that I can amend it for free in the future – for instance, if Jack is joined by another brother or sister.

Yes, mulling over your own mortality isn’t the most cheerful activity. But, it’s much worse to think about what will happen to your loved ones if you don’t plan ahead. Just pick up the phone and ask! The MCF and Goodwill Partnership are there to help, and support you at your own pace, whenever you are ready. For me, it’s taken the pressure of uncertainty away.

My advice to you? Pick up the phone and get it ticked off your life admin list, now!


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