
Research shows that there is a widespread reluctance to write a Will among the UK population, with 56 per cent of adults surveyed not having written one (Bradley Haines Law). We are determined to tackle this, which is why we’re teamed up with the Goodwill Partnership to offer anyone the opportunity to write a Will for free.

What is a Will?

A Will is a legal document containing instructions as to what should be done with your money and property after your death. With this in mind, it is very important that you seriously consider writing a Will to express how you would like your estate to be distributed and to whom. If you die before making a Will, any wishes about how you would like your estate to be shared may not be followed – this is known as becoming ‘intestate’ and a series of rules known as the ‘intestacy rules’ will be used to determine how your estate is to be distributed.

Why write a Will?

Writing a Will provides peace of mind that when the time comes, your loved ones are looked after and causes you care about are supported. You are never too young or too old to get a Will. The MCF has supported people to secure a Will from their twenties through to their nineties. It’s an important resource that we offer for free and encourage anyone to reach out to us to start the process.

Duncan, Legacy Manager

Leave a gift in your Will to the MCF

Our work is fully funded by the generous donations of Freemasons and their family members. Leaving a gift in your Will, whatever its size, is an incredibly meaningful way to donate to the ongoing work of the MCF.

Many of our supporters find that leaving a gift in their Will is a natural way to be a force for good allowing the MCF to provide support, care and services to Freemasons and their families in need, and supporting other charities to help the most disadvantaged in society.



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