Visiting Volunteers Privacy Notice
How we use your data
This notice sets out how the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) (Registered charity number 1164703, Company number 09751836), 60 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ gathers, processes and protects any personal information that you may provide us with when enquiring about the Visiting Volunteer role, applying to volunteer as a Visiting Volunteer and/or during the time you are volunteering as a Visiting Volunteer. Our data protection lead is Brenda Nurse, Company Secretary.
What we collect
- Contact details including your address and telephone number
- Emergency contact details
- Bank details to enable reimbursement of expenses
- Vetting and background information to establish your suitability for the role
How we collect it
- Through written, telephone, email, online and face-to-face contact
- Through the Visiting Volunteer application form, supporting documentation, background verification and reference checks and specific requests for supplementary information.
A third party may gather and verify personal information on our behalf as part of the enquiry and application process. Arrangements are made to ensure that any information you provide is protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.
You are under no obligation to provide the information we request and/or may withdraw your consent for us to use it at any time. If you choose not to provide the information requested or to withdraw your consent for us to use it then we may be unable to respond to your enquiry, to continue with your application or to allow you to continue volunteering.
Why we collect it
- To deal with your enquiry.
- To consider your application to volunteer as a Visiting Volunteer and assess your suitability for the role.
- To carry out background permission and verification checks. We will always seek your permission before carrying out such checks.
- For management, administration and training purposes relevant to the Visiting Volunteer role;
- To help us plan and improve the service we offer;
- To maintain a record of our work.
Why we are able to use it
We are able to use your data because you have provided your consent for us to do so. If you choose to withdraw your permission, then any processing we have already carried out will still be lawful.
How long we keep it
Your information will be retained for as long as it is required to deal with your enquiry, consider your application, during the time you are volunteering as a Visiting Volunteer and in accordance with our statutory obligations.
- Records relating to unsuccessful applicants declined prior to a request for references are deleted within one month of the date of the decision.
- Records relating to unsuccessful applicants declined after the receipt of references are retained indefinitely, for cross checking against new applications.
- Bank details and emergency contact details are deleted from our volunteer records within one month of a volunteer role ending. All other details are deleted six years after the volunteer role ending.
- Details relating to payments made to Visiting Volunteers are retained for 6 years due to statutory obligations.
How we will share your information
Some or all of the information you provide to us may be shared with a Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Lodge to enable us to respond to your enquiry, consider your application, and for management and administration purposes relevant to the Visiting Volunteer role.
The name and email address of approved volunteers will be shared with the following third party providers in order to provide access to training and updates. If you do not want us to share your data with one of more of these providers then please tell us.
- iHasco (training). iHasco process some data outside of the EU, using processors certified to EU-US privacy shield framework.
- Campaign monitor (email updates). Process some data using servers located in the United States of America.
- PageTiger (Visiting Volunteer information site). Processes all data in the UK.
We will not sell, distribute or release your information to any other third parties unless we have your permission or are required to do so by law.
We will not transfer your data outside of the European Economic Area, other than in the ways specified without your permission.
How we keep it safe
The information you provide to us will be kept securely to ensure no unauthorised access or disclosure occurs. Your information will be securely destroyed when no longer required.
Automated decision making
We do not use automated decision making.
Accessing and correcting your information
You have the right to:
- See the data we hold about you
- Request the erasure or correction of the data we hold about you
- Object to us processing your data
- Obtain a copy of your data so you can use it for a different service
You can ask us to do any of the above by contacting the Visiting Volunteer Team at or on 0203 959 2803. We will deal with all requests in a prompt manner.
Your right to complain
You have the right to be confident that we will handle your personal information responsibly and in line with good practice.
If you have a concern about the way we are handling your information then you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about how we process your data or would like more information then please contact us.
Brenda Nurse, Company Secretary
Masonic Charitable Foundation
60 Great Queen Street
Telephone number: 020 3146 3333 / Email address:
Changes to this policy
We may update or amend this Privacy Notice from time to time, to comply with law or to meet our changing business requirements. When we update our Privacy Notices and Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make. Any updates or amendments will be posted on our website