
Nobody expects to need our support, but an unexpected life event can cause difficulties that we never imagined.

Challenges such as redundancy, bereavement, or illness can have far-reaching consequences, and finding a way to cope can seem complex and overwhelming.

The question is, if you were to experience such a challenge, would you turn to the MCF for support?

Whilst you might know the broad areas within which we work, it is very likely you aren’t fully aware of the full scope of our support. Every situation is unique, so when somebody approaches our grants and enquiries team, we look at the entire picture and try to extend our support in every way we can. A person who approaches us looking for a home adaptation might end up being supported with grants for a new computer for their child that they never knew they were eligible for.

And as well as proving grants, our Advice & Support Team (AST) can help people to understand how the government and local authority support they are you entitled to may have changed, and how to apply.

Our support is more varied than you might think. Discover our full range of support, and pass the information on to your family. You never know when you might need it.

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If you are made redundant, our support is not just limited to topping up your income with grants to cover your everyday living costs. We may also be able to cover household arrears, or fund costs related to your children’s education.

“I was made redundant during the last financial crisis, and I couldn’t find new full-time employment for two years. As well as helping us to pay our bills, the MCF covered the cost of gymnastics, dancing and swimming lessons for the children.” 



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Accident or illness

An accident or illness often affects more than just your immediate physical health. As well as funding treatment for those facing a long wait on the NHS, we may be able to fund home adaptations and mobility equipment, travel costs to and from hospital, counselling, short breaks for carers, or help with everyday living costs.

“After my wife’s accident, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Without Jaqui’s income we started to struggle financially, and that’s when we turned to the MCF. Now, as well as help with our bills we also receive travel grants to help us visit her every week in the hospital where she now lives.”



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Relationship breakdown

The breakdown of a relationship can have huge financial implications, and our support can help people adjust to their new situation. As well as helping with everyday living costs, we may be able to cover household arrears, costs related to your children’s education, or childcare.

“I had no home, no husband and no money. I truly did not know how I was going to cope with four children under the age of eight. The MCF supported me with grants for our living costs and grants so the children could go on school trips, have their own computers and take part in extra-curricular activities with their friends.”




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For people who are at risk of losing their homes, our grants for everyday living costs or emergency grants to clear arrears can help people to avoid eviction. And for people who have already lost their homes, we may be able to fund rent in advance and a security deposit to enable you to access suitable accommodation, and essential white goods if these haven’t been provided.

“Being unemployed made it almost impossible for us to find permanent accommodation, but the MCF came to the rescue with a grant to cover the costs of a deposit and six months of rent. I didn’t expect to have to start again at my age – but we hope to be in a position very soon where we can help ourselves.”


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Much like the breakdown of a relationship, bereavement can have big financial implications as well as emotional ones. We may be able to assist with the costs of a basic funeral, and help you adjust to your new situation with grants to cover your everyday living costs, educational costs for your child, or counselling.

“After Dennis died, my financial situation completely changed. He didn’t have any insurance, and I also lost the income from his pension and his benefits.

“The MCF offered to cover the costs of the funeral, which was a huge weight off my mind and they continue to offer funding to help me with my day-to-day living expenses. It’s still tough, but thanks to the MCF, I’m managing.”



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Coping with changing care needs for yourself or a loved one, and navigating the support available from your local authority can be confusing. As well as helping you find and apply for residential care, we can also help people maintain their independence in their own homes through grants to fund short breaks for carers, home adaptations, and mobility equipment.

Can we help you?

We are here to support Freemasons and their families when life takes an unexpected turn for the worse. We offer a wide range of grants and support services for financial, health, family and care-related needs.

Discover our full range of support

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