Annual General Meeting & Members’ Meeting 2020

This year’s Annual General Meeting & Members’ Meeting will take place online. All MCF Members have received an email inviting them to complete an online registration form and respond to relevant items of business on the agenda.

Annual General Meeting 2020


1. To approve the minutes of the AGM on 11 December 2019.

2. To note and receive the annual report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2020.

3. To note and receive the audited accounts for the charity for the year ended 31 March 2020.

4. To confirm the appointment of Knox Cropper as auditors of the Charity at a fee to be agreed by the Trustees.

5. To note and ratify any emergency grants awarded:

  • Food crisis – Zimbabwe and Malawi: £50,000
  • Bushfires – New South Wales, Australia: £27,050
  • Bushfires – South Australia, Australia: £27,050
  • Bushfires – Victoria, Australia: £27,050
  • Flooding, Storms Ciara and Dennis – Yorkshire, West Riding: £2,500
  • Flooding, Storms Ciara and Dennis – Yorkshire, West Riding: £2,500
  • Flooding, Storms Ciara and Dennis – Herefordshire: £7,500
  • Flooding, Storm Dennis – South Wales: £15,000
  • Flooding, Storm Dennis  – Shropshire: £5,000
  • Cyclone Amphan – Bangladesh: £15,000

AGM documents

Members’ Meeting 2020

Please watch our Members’ Meeting video.

Correction: It is stated that Gift Aid envelope returns, which were being processed at a rate of 1m per year. This figure in fact relates to the annual total of incoming and outgoing Relief Chest transactions. Annual Gift Aid Envelope returns are around 300,000 per year.

Members’ Meeting Documents

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