
Later Life

3.6 million older people in the UK live alone and 1.9 million of them feel ignored or invisible.

Through our Later Life Inclusion grants, we are supporting local and national charities that help older people to overcome whatever barriers they face and actively participate in their communities.

Whether financial hardship, care responsibilities, or a decline in physical or mental health, older people can face social isolation for many reasons. Our support aims to make sure that services are available to support the physical and emotional needs of people as they age, including access to healthcare, transport and technology.




Loneliness has a comparable risk factor for early death to smoking 15 cigarettes a day

Holt-Lunstad, 2010

Case Studies

Alzheimer’s Support

Alzheimer’s Support

Alzheimer’s Support received a grant of £90,000 to help people with dementia to overcome social isolation.

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These are the grants we have awarded so far during our current financial year, which started on 1 April 2024.

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Age UK partnership

2018 marked the launch of a new project called Later Life Goals – a £1 million, three-year partnership with Age UK. Our grant is allowing the Later Life Goals project to roll out in 13 areas across England and Wales, benefitting 10,000 lonely older people.

Through the project, Age UK offers personalised support to older people going through major life transitions including bereavement, retirement and serious health diagnoses.

Face-to-face sessions in older people’s homes enable Age UK advisers to help participants identify their goals for later life, and then decide how to access the skills, support, and social networks they need to achieve those goals.

So far, over 4,000 older people have been supported, and £7.4 million of unclaimed benefits have been identified.

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