Daily living costs, Support for Freemasons and families
When Mark’s wife, Jacqui, was involved in a car accident which left her with serious brain injuries, their lives and the lives of their two daughters, Ella (15) and Grace (13) were changed forever.
“After my wife’s accident, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. My family’s lives were turned upside-down in the blink of an eye. As well as it being a really emotional time, we also went from having two sources of income to one, and the added cost of visiting Jacqui in hospital meant that financially, the situation started to take its toll.
“I’m not someone who would usually ask for help, but when I finally contacted my lodge Almoner, he was already waiting for me. I told him what had happened, and that my family were now facing severe financial difficulties as a result. Together, we put together an application, and the MCF soon came back with a grant to help me cover the cost of our bills.
Now, we receive costs towards our travel so that we are able to visit Jacqui regularly. We go every week, and it’s particularly important for the girls. Visiting will always be an emotional struggle, but I have got good friends to support me and my family.
“The support from the MCF has been ten out of ten, there is no shadow of a doubt. I feel like they’ve got my back and my daughters’ backs. It’s not just the money, it’s the sense of family.”