

When Rick found himself in a difficult situation financially, he shared his worries with a colleague in a similar situation who told him he was getting some financial help for daily living and professional retraining from the MCF.

Rick has sole custody of his son Jacob, which means their family rely completely on him, even during the difficult time when his business experienced a drop in income. He had to use all his savings to pay the bills and take care of his son and despite receiving Universal Credit, was struggling to pay the mortgage and childcare costs.

My colleague made our Lodge Almoner aware of my situation and I was soon set up to meet with Kathy, an MCF Adviser, who was going to help me put an application together to get support for my daily living costs and help with training to update my qualification certificates.


rick and jacob restart

Once the MCF received and approved Rick’s application, he started receiving support for daily living costs and was able to attend training so he could go back to work. His skillset is project management and site management, with an electrical and mechanical engineering bias, and he needed to renew his certification to be able to project manage a site and apply for new opportunities.

Having the sole custody of Jacob also meant that he needed support with childcare so he could attend the training. As his certificates had expired, Rick had to attend courses for one month and we were able to cover the costs of a full-time nursery place during this period.

My experience started with my head buried in the sand, but soon led to a return to regular lodge meetings where I praised the MCF’s support for people in need and renewed my effort to share my experience.


If you are Freemason or a family member currently receiving or eligible for a Daily Living Costs grant from the MCF, you can enquire about our training and employability support. This can be considered for vocational training or other employability needs, which could improve your employment prospects.


Find out about the support you can get



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