
It might feel like a world away, but at some point most of us will have to consider different care options for ourselves or our loved ones as they get older and need more support.

John’s father, Eric, decided that living in a care home was the right step for him after caring for his wife, Pat, at home became too difficult. John explained:

“My mother had dementia and my father kept on having falls at home which meant the ambulance service would be frequently called out”

“Eventually, my father called me and said it was time for them both to move into a care home. My father and I are Freemasons so we knew about RMBI Homes and had actively supported them. He asked us to apply for a place at Prince George Duke of Kent Court in Chislehurst.”

John applied for residency on behalf of his parents and was relieved that the application was simple and straightforward.

“We spoke to the home manager and someone from RMBI Care Co. visited my parents to assess their needs. A big room at the Home had just become free, so we quickly filled out the paperwork and they moved in within a week – it was fantastic. There weren’t any difficulties with the application forms as they were all self-explanatory.

“The staff at the Home are gentle and kind and, following my mother’s death, they have continued to support my father while he grieves. He is no longer able to care for himself so his residence at the Home provides us with considerable peace of mind.”

Eric is still content with his decision to move to Prince George Duke of Kent Court.

I entered the Home when my wife’s dementia reached a point when I could no longer cope as her carer. I had made her a solemn promise that no one would separate us, so I came here with her.

Eric, Freemason and RMBI resident

“My favourite pastime is singing so I most enjoy the classical music sessions that are put on for us and the educational talks that are held, but the best thing about the home is the friendliness and caring attitude of the staff – nothing is too much trouble for them.”

Find out more about life at an RMBI Care Co. home

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 0207 596 2400


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