Grant-making, Support for freemasons
Resisting the rise
The news has been heavy in recent months. From conflict overseas to instability at home, it is unsurprising that many may be feeling overwhelmed and apprehensive about what the future holds.
What is a promised reality is that almost every household in England and Wales will be feeling the purse strings tighten as the cost of living increases. The prices of food, fuel and energy all soared to a new 30-year high in January and inflation is projected at seven per cent – rising faster than the average person’s wage.
For families and individuals with lower incomes, these increasing costs will only exacerbate an already difficult financial situation. Many charities such as Age UK, The Trussell Trust and Citizens Advice have called on the government to increase benefits by six per cent, in line with rising inflation costs, in order to support those already in poverty and prevent others falling below the breadline.
Thankfully for Freemasons and their families, we are on hand to support those facing financial difficulties. Enquiries to us increased by 190 per cent in the first few months of 2022 compared with 2021 – a response to the rise in the number of people needing help.
This type of support from us isn’t new. Last year, we awarded £12.2M in grants and services to disadvantaged Freemasons and their families, with £8.4M of this given to help cover daily living costs. More than £7.9M was also awarded to charities across England and Wales to further support local communities in tackling core social and economic issues.
Have you found yourself struggling to make ends meet? Check if you are eligible for support and contact MCF enquiries team to discuss how they may be able to support you.