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Specialist help for traumatised children and young people in Bedfordshire

Up to 125 traumatised local children and young people (CYP) up to the age of 18 will continue to receive highly specialised support from the CHUMS Trauma Service (CTS) thanks to a generous grant from Bedfordshire Freemasons.

Bedfordshire | Children and Young People, Grants to charities, Mental health


Leeds girls at risk of abusive relationships to get help

Hundreds of girls at risk of abusive relationships will be receiving help, support and guidance thanks to a grant from Yorkshire West Riding Freemasons to the Women’s Health Matters charity.

Yorkshire West Riding | Children and Young People, Domestic abuse, Grants to charities


Blind people and their families across Dorset will get help

More than 500 blind and visually impaired people from all areas of Dorset will receive essential support and services, thanks to a grant to Dorset Blind Association.

Dorset | Later life


Merseyside and Cheshire Blood Bikes: Freemasons’ Heartfelt Support

The Merseyside and Cheshire Blood Bikes save the NHS around £1 million each year, allowing the NHS to improve patient care and provide crucial services in the Northwest region of England.

Cheshire, West Lancashire | Donations from a Relief Chest, Fundraising and awareness, Health and wellbeing, Single donations


Young people in Luton at risk of missing the chance of an education will receive help and support

Around 450 young people in Luton who are at risk of disengaging from their education will receive support to get back to their studies, thanks to a grant from Bedfordshire Freemasons to local charity Youthscape.

Bedfordshire | Education for children and young people

disadvantaged children will get to change their life thanks to sport 4 life

Disadvantaged young people will get to turn their lives around

Over 300 local disadvantaged young people will have the opportunity to turn their lives around thanks to a grant to Sport 4 Life UK.

Staffordshire | Children and Young People


40th Anniversary of Volunteers’ Week

We are thrilled to celebrate Volunteers’ Week, a special time dedicated to honouring the incredible contributions of our volunteers. Their selfless efforts and unwavering dedication are the backbone of our organisation, enabling us to make a meaningful impact in the community and build better lives.

Behind the scenes at the MCF, Role of the VV

footprints visited by yorkshire freemasons

Struggling and isolated local children and families will receive help and support

Around 600 local children and their families struggling with poverty and isolation will be given the support they need thanks to a £60,000 grant to the Footprints in the Community charity.


Disabled children are less isolated and more engaged in sport

Hundreds of disabled children will be less isolated and more engaged in sport thanks to a £15,000 grant Disability Sports Coach (DSC).

London | Children and Young People


Support for young carers from Gateshead

Around 240 young carers who live in the Gateshead area of Tyne and Wear, who devote themselves to looking after family members with serious physical and mental health conditions, will receive help and support with their own needs, thanks to a grant from Durham Freemasons.

Care, Children and Young People


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