
Alec had to retire due to poor health and underwent two heart bypasses. His mobility was poor and finances were a little tight, so the MCF offered to support him with both issues.

“I had so much help throughout the application process,” says Linda, Alec’s daughter.  “Another chap in the lodge, the Almoner, helped me a great deal with the forms and such.  It was nice and easy, and I could be as discreet as I wanted to be with the process.”

“When the Almoner heard about my financial struggles he came round to visit me,” says Alec. “Initially, the MCF gave me money to pay for some of my bills, and then my health got worse and I eventually couldn’t get in and out of the bath, so I was also provided with a wet room. It made life so much better and really cheered me up! They’ve also given me a new scooter, so I can now get out and scoot around Shaftesbury!”

“His mobility scooter is a god send, it really is,” says Linda. “He goes to day care sometimes which is helpful for us as well, and receives respite care sometimes too. It’s the loneliness that’s the worst – I have him most days but he needs other people around him, not just me. He’s a very sociable person so the day care and respite help with that.”

I would like the MCF to know how grateful I am to them and to the brethren of both local lodges. I am so thankful for all the help and support they’ve given me in the last 50 years of Freemasonry. Without them, I don’t know what I would do.


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