RMBI Care Co. the reunions

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RMBI Care Co. the reunions

After a long year with limited contact, RMBI Care Co. residents and staff are delighted to have begun welcoming visitors back into their Homes.

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Supporting children’s mental health

Poor mental health sees an individual experience difficult thoughts, feelings and reactions which may reach a point at which they are unable to cope.

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Dogs tackling disabilities

The MCF has just announced £30,000 in funding for Canine Partners which will support the charity in providing assessments, training and after care for all its beneficiaries.

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Supporting unpaid carers through COVID-19

The second round of funding through the Freemasons’ COVID-19 Community Fund will focus on charities supporting unpaid carers.

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Giving carers a helping hand

Follow Advice & Support Team Leader, Gill, as she takes you through how the AST can support carers.

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Childcare: Keeping parents in work

“During my second year of university, I fell pregnant with my daughter, Darcey. Not only was I faced with becoming a mother whilst juggling my education, I was battling costs that I hadn’t ever experienced…”

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Striking a balance

As any unpaid carer knows, caring is not a nine-to-five job. With so much to do, it can be hard to know how and when to clock off and take that well-deserved break.

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Jeanette’s story

As Reginald’s heath started to rapidly decline, his daughter Jeanette found herself with more and more care…

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Derek’s story

When Derek’s wife, Pam, had a stroke nine years ago, it left her disabled.

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